Editing Reports: Creating Multilevel Numbered Lists

To created a multilevel numbered list in your report:

In your report, highlight the list that you want to be converted to an outline numbering format.

On the Report tab, click on the Multilevel List tool.

The highlighted text is numbered.

To structure the list in an outline format, select the members of the list that are subordinate. For example, in the list below, "Mercedes Benz" and "BMW" are subordinate to "Car Manufacturers."

Click the Indent tool in the Paragraph group on the Report tab.

The selected paragraphs are indented and renumbered as subordinates of the preceding list item.

Once you have added the numbers and structured them as needed, you can change the multilevel numbering attributes.

Changing Multilevel Numbering Attributes

To change multilevel numbering attributes:

Right-click on the selected text block.

A context menu is displayed.

Click on "Bullets and Numbering" to open the Bullets and Numbering dialog box.

Click on the Outline Numbered tab.

The Outline Numbered panel is displayed.

Common outline numbering options are displayed on the "Outline Numbered" tab. You can click one of these to select it, if desired. For more options:

Click the Customize button to open the Customize Numbered List dialog box.

  • Level: Specifies the outline level you want to assign to the selected text. Also, what you select for Level is the outline level to which all of your other settings will be applied.

  • Number Style: Specifies the style (for example, Arabic or roman numerals, capital or lower case letters) to be applied to the right-most character of the outline level.

  • Start Out: Defines the starting number value for the right-most character of the outline level.

  • Font: Opens the Font dialog box through which you can define the font style, size, and attributes to be applied to the outline numbers.

  • Number Position: Specifies how the outline numbers are aligned -- left, center, or right. The Aligned at spin box specifies how far to outdent the numbers in relation to the indented text (see Text position below).

  • Text Position: Defines the text position -- that is, how far from the left margin you want the text to the right of the numbers indented.


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